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Read online ebook Diane Fanning - Bitter Remains : A Custody Battle, a Gruesome Crime, and the Mother Who Paid the Ultimate Price EPUB, MOBI


"On July 13, 2011, Laura Jean Ackerson of Kinston, North Carolina, went to pick up her two toddler sons. It would be the last time she was seen alive . . .a a Two weeks later, detectives searching for the missing mother made a gruesome discovery on the shores of Oyster Creek near Richmond, Texas-the dismembered body parts of a young woman whom they were able to identify as Laura Ackerson. a Laura's ex, Grant Hayes-thea father of her two sons-and his wife, Amanda, the mother of his newborn daughter, both pointed the finger at each other as the one guilty of murdering Laura, cutting up her body, and then transporting and disposing of the remains. a This is the hauntingly true story of a devoted mother, a disturbed couple, and how these horrific events came to pass . . .a a Includes Photos Praise for Diane Fanning a 'Very few writers have the insight and gift to take a true story and make it one hell of a page-turner.' Susan Murphy Milano, domestic violence victims' advocate, ona A Poisoned Passion a 'Unbelievable stuff!' Mike DeForest, WKMG-TV, ona Mommy's Little Girl a 'I couldn't put it down until I had finished it . . . A story that's enjoyable to read and accurate to detail.' Herb Betz ona Through the Window a 'I was astonished by how good this book was-insightful, well written, and fascinating.' Hugh Aynesworth, four-time Pulitzer Prize nominee, ona Out There ", No Marketing Blurb, The U.S. national bestselling author of Under the Cover of Night (Berkley, 2014) recounts the gruesome death of mother Laura Jean Ackerson, who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend and his wife. Both accused each other of killing Laura, then dismembering and disposing of her remains in Texas. This is the story of that gruesome crime, the events leading up to it and the trial that followed., The bestselling author of "Under Cover of the Night "recounts" "Laura Ackerson s disappearance and murder in North Carolina, the discovery of her remains in Texas, and the aftermath On July 13, 2011, Laura Jean Ackerson of Kinston, North Carolina, went to pick up her two toddler sons. It would be the last time she was seen alive... Two weeks later, detectives searching for the missing mother made a gruesome discovery on the shores of Oyster Creek near Richmond, Texas the dismembered body parts of a young woman whom they were able to identify as Laura Ackerson. Laura s ex, Grant Hayes the father of her two sons and his wife, Amanda, the mother of his newborn daughter, both pointed the finger at each other as the one guilty of murdering Laura, cutting up her body, and then transporting and disposing of the remains. This is the hauntingly true story of a devoted mother, a disturbed couple, and how these horrific events came to pass... INCLUDES PHOTOS", The bestselling true crime author of Under Cover of the Night recounts Laura Ackerson's disappearance and murder in North Carolina, the discovery of her remains in Texas, and the aftermath... On July 13, 2011, Laura Jean Ackerson of Kinston, North Carolina, went to pick up her two toddler sons. It would be the last time she was seen alive... Two weeks later, detectives searching for the missing mother made a gruesome discovery on the shores of Oyster Creek near Richmond, Texas--the dismembered body parts of a young woman whom they were able to identify as Laura Ackerson. Laura's ex, Grant Hayes--the father of her two sons--and his wife, Amanda, the mother of his newborn daughter, both pointed the finger at each other as the one guilty of murdering Laura, cutting up her body, and then transporting and disposing of the remains. This is the haunting true crime story of a devoted mother, a disturbed couple, and how these horrific events came to pass... INCLUDES PHOTOS

Bitter Remains : A Custody Battle, a Gruesome Crime, and the Mother Who Paid the Ultimate Price by Diane Fanning download FB2, DJV, MOBI