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Read book North American Aboriginal Hide Tanning : The Act of Transformation and Revival by Morgan Baillargeon FB2, TXT, EPUB


North American Aboriginal Hide Tanning: The Act of Transformation and Revival, examines the methodology, tools and spiritual aspects of what was once almost a lost art. Over the course of research which has spanned some 30 years, the author has interviewed more than 40 tanners from the Northwest Territories to Oklahoma. The result, is a volume which includes chapters on 15 different tanners and their recipes, practical information on tools and techniques, as well as helpful tips for those interested in trying this traditional process for themselves. Although not intended as a complete how-to manual, North American Aboriginal Hide-Tanning: The Act of Transformation and Revival is certain to whet the reader? appetite for further investigation., The research for this book began in the early 1980s when brain tanned hide was already very difficult to obtain, very expensive, and Aboriginal hide tanners were difficult to find in Central Alberta. From 1989 to 1991 the author, Morgan Baillargeon, began interviewing as many hide tanners as he could find in northern Alberta, the Yukon Territories and the Northwest Territories, as part of his field research for his Master's degree. His interests in this fascinating traditional art form continues today, and over the years he has interviewed over 40 traditional and contemporary tanners.This book explores the relationship Aboriginal people have with big-game animals killed for food and for the purpose of making tanned leather from the hides. This book also contains the hide tanning recipes from 13 tanners and step by step instructions in how to tan moose, buffalo, deer, elk, and caribou hide using traditional North American Aboriginal tanning techniques. A number of experimental techniques are also discussed at length using bone, stone, shell, and wooden tools.

Read North American Aboriginal Hide Tanning : The Act of Transformation and Revival FB2, TXT

Other highlights include: " Provides an excellent resource for courses addressing the CACREP program objectives for Human Growth and Development.It is the seventh winner of the DC Horn Foundation/Yale Drama Series Prize, selected this year by Marsha Norman, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Getting Out; 'night, Mother; and other acclaimed theatrical works.In this direct, eloquent, unabashed argument on behalf of sexual fidelity--its meaning, its blessing, its rewards, its necessity--Catherine Wallace addresses a major concern of our time.When you're present in the moment, conflict with your partner can become an opportunity to work through unresolved issues and to learn more about each other; it can even become a way to grow closer.Some chapters consider in-depth case studies of the life trajectories of one or two people; others are more of a group portrait.Accessible and detailed, Irish Family Law Handbook is a truly essential book for all solicitors and barristers practising any aspect of family law., Irish Family Law Handbook, Fifth Edition comprises consolidated and annotated legislation including coverage of the Children and Family Law Relationships Act 2015.Each section is annotated to indicate amendments or repeals - key legal information which is quickly accessible and clearly outlined.Includes Scripture guides, reflection questions, ideas for family rites of passage, and other real life family examples.Utilizes a war metaphor to describe our contemporary societal conditions as the backdrop for service delivery to young children, adolescents, and adults from dysfunctional families.Step-by-step instructions for the tasks you care about most Large, full-color, close-up photos show you exactly what to do Common-sense help whenever you run into problems Tips and notes to help you do even more Over the years, you ve learned a lot.Despite all her relationship disasters, Bethenny remains an optimist; she keeps going, keeps trying, and continues to open her heart to love.His name derives from a tragic beginning as the only survivor of a catastrophic flood in New Orleans where he was born.The authors have expertly selected the family law statutes that busy practitioners need to refer to on a regular basis, as well as EU regulations and the Rules of Court.The Children and Family Law Relationships Act 2015 passed on the 6th April 2015 and fundamentally amends the following statutes:The Guardianship of Infants Act 1964,The Succession Act 1965,The Family Law (Maintenance of Spouses and Children) Act 1976,The Status of Children Act 1987,The Family Law Act 1995,The Civil Registration Act 2004,The Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010,The Adoption Act 2010,The Child Care Acts 1991 to 2013.The new Act has implications for many other statutes, including the Protection of Children (Hague Convention) Act 2000, the Student Support Act 2011, the Parental Leave Act 1998 and the Parental Leave (Amendment) Act 2006, the Adoptive Leave Act 1995, the Maternity Protection Act 1994, the Unfair Dismissals Act 1977, and the Redundancy Payments Act 1967.Accessible and detailed, Irish Family Law Handbook is a truly essential book for all solicitors and barristers practising any aspect of family law., This book is comprised, consolidated, and annotated legislation including coverage of the Children and Family Law Relationships Act 2015.Complete with practical "easiest thing" tips for instant relief as well as stories from Carter's own experience of putting The Sweet Spot into action, this timely and inspiring book lets us in on the possibilities for joy and freedom that comes when we stop trying to do everything right--and start doing the right things., How to Find Your Groove at Work and Home.The text offers interdisciplinary expertise from scholars of psychology, social work, sociology, demography, economics, human development and family studies, and public policy.The Sunday Times" (London) A most welcome deeper take on the women who scandalized Victorian England and whose stories continue to resonate today.