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- Jewish Culture and Contexts: Hebraica Veritas? : Christian Hebraists and the Study of Judaism in Early Modern Europe (2004, Hardcover) download ebook DJV, TXT


A collection of twelve essays that address the subject of the encounter between Christians and Jews. They illustrate how this envolvement shaped each group's self-perception and sense of otherness and contributed to the emergence of the study of cultural anthropology, comparative religion, and Jewish studies., Hebraica Veritas? Christian Hebraists and the Study of Judaism in Early Modern Europe Edited by Allison P. Coudert and Jeffrey S. Shoulson "Superb. . . . Examining the Christian study of Hebrew and Jewish texts, mostly in early modern Europe (with some medieval materials included), the contributors probe the degree of positive interactions between Jews and Christian and also uncover heretofore-hidden Jewish contributions to the Western intellectual tradition."--"Choice" "An erudite collection of essays whose scholarship is clearly a match for the figures and writings which it is concerned."--"Sixteenth Century Journal" "Containing essays by many eminent scholars, the volume offers an excellent reassessment of the history of early modern Christian Hebraism, as well as of the history of Christian-Jewish relations."--"Envoi" In the early modern period, the religious fervor of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, social unrest, and millenarianism all seemed to foster greater anti-Judaism in Christian Europe, yet the increased intolerance was also accompanied by more intimate and complex forms of interaction between Christians and Jews. Printing, trade, and travel combined to bring those from both sides of the religious divide into closer contact than ever before, while growing interest in magic and the Kabbalah encouraged Christians to study Hebrew in addition to Latin and Greek. In "Hebraica Veritas? Christian Hebraists and the Study of Judaism in Early Modern Europe," noted scholars trace how these early modern encounters played key roles in defining attitudes toward personal, national, and religious identity in Western culture. As Christians increasingly patronized Jewish scholars, in person and in print, Christian Hebraism flourished. The twelve essays assembled here address the important but often neglected subject of the early modern encounter between Christians and Jews. They illustrate how this envolvement shaped each group's self-perception and sense of otherness and contributed to the emergence of the modern study of cultural anthropology, comparative religion, and Jewish studies. But the chapters also reveal how the encounter challenged traditional religious beliefs, fostering the skepticism, toleration, and irreligion conventionally associated with the Enlightenment. Many of the Christian Hebraists described in these essays were linguists and textual critics, and their work highlights the ambiguous role played by language and texts in transmitting natural and divine truth. It was during the early modern period that numerous concepts underpinning modern Western secular society came into existence, and as Hebraica Veritas? shows, the subject of Christian Hebraism has direct relevance to understanding the intellectual changes and challenges characterizing the transition from the ancient to the modern world. Allison P. Coudert is Professor of Religious Studies at Arizona State University. She is author of "The Impact of the Kabbalah in the Seventeenth Century: The Life and Thought of Francis Mercury van Helmont, 1614-1698." Jeffrey S. Shoulson is Associate Professor of English and Director of the Program in Judaic Studies at the University of Miami. He is author of "Milton and the Rabbis: Hebraism, Hellenism, and Christianity." Jewish Culture and Contexts 2004 - 328 pages - 6 1/8 x 9 1/4 - 23 illus. ISBN 978-0-8122-3761-0 - Cloth - $69.95s - 45.50 World Rights - History, Religion Short copy: "Superb. . . The contributors probe the degree of positive interactions between Jews and Christian and also uncover heretofore-hidden Jewish contributions to the Western intellectual tradition."--"Choice"", In the early modern period, the religious fervor of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, social unrest, and millenarianism all seemed to foster greater anti-Judaism in Christian Europe, yet the increased intolerance was also accompanied by more intimate and complex forms of interaction between Christians and Jews. Printing, trade, and travel combined to bring those from both sides of the religious divide into closer contact than ever before, while growing interest in magic and the Kabbalah encouraged Christians to study Hebrew in addition to Latin and Greek. In Hebraica Veritas? Christian Hebraists and the Study of Judaism in Early Modern Europe , noted scholars trace how these early modern encounters played key roles in defining attitudes toward personal, national, and religious identity in Western culture. As Christians increasingly patronized Jewish scholars, in person and in print, Christian Hebraism flourished. The twelve essays assembled here address the important but often neglected subject of the early modern encounter between Christians and Jews. They illustrate how this envolvement shaped each group's self-perception and sense of otherness and contributed to the emergence of the modern study of cultural anthropology, comparative religion, and Jewish studies. But the chapters also reveal how the encounter challenged traditional religious beliefs, fostering the skepticism, toleration, and irreligion conventionally associated with the Enlightenment. Many of the Christian Hebraists described in these essays were linguists and textual critics, and their work highlights the ambiguous role played by language and texts in transmitting natural and divine truth. It was during the early modern period that numerous concepts underpinning modern Western secular society came into existence, and as Hebraica Veritas? shows, the subject of Christian Hebraism has direct relevance to understanding the intellectual changes and challenges characterizing the transition from the ancient to the modern world.

Jewish Culture and Contexts: Hebraica Veritas? : Christian Hebraists and the Study of Judaism in Early Modern Europe (2004, Hardcover) by download ebook TXT, DOC

Also available in the Loeb Classical Library is a two-volume edition of Libanius's Autobiography and Selected Letters ., Libanius (314-393 CE ) was one of the last great publicists and teachers of Greek paganism.Written by a team of leading international experts, the Handbook discusses dynamics of change within religious traditions as well as their roles in responding to global challenges such as climate change, water, conservation, food and population.The sections on environmental humanities and environmental sciences explore the history and significance of other key areas and disciplines of environmental studies in which religion and ecology can be fruitfully located as a dialogue partner for environmental solutions.UNESCO and the partnerships with Intel and Microsoft to develop educational material and community centers for increasingcomputer literacy in the developing world.Clinicians will find a helpful discussion of how these tests may be interpreted using either a CHC or neuropsychological approach to assessment.Sincerely pagan in an increasingly aggressive Christian society, he became an influential voice against religious persecution, official or unofficial.Chapters explore the current situation in both the United States and Israel, attending to what once were considered unconventional household arrangementsincluding extended singlehood, cohabitating couples, single Jewish mothers, and GLBTQ familiesalong with the legal ramifications and religious backlash.Also available in the Loeb Classical Library is a two-volume edition of Libanius's Autobiography and Selected Letters ., Libanius (AD 314-393) was one of the last great publicists and teachers of Greek paganism.Its innovative essays, interviews, and stories highlight the insights of public intellectuals, political leaders, artists, academics, and activists, thereby allowing students to gain an appreciation of the diversity and global relevance of Latin America in the twenty-first century., Latin America is home to emerging global powers such as Brazil and Mexico and has important links to other titans including China, India, and Africa.This groundbreaking book should be a starting point for officials around the world who confront powerful organized crime groups.This new series includes his five visionary teachings on the Great Perfection (Dzogchen), the pinnacle of practice in Tibet's oldest Buddhist school, along with three essential commentaries.Faith, Distress, and Culture "questions the assumptions of an established scientific, evidence-based global mental health paradigm by examining the practices of faith-based healing in India.Rose argues that these contemplative universals, familiar to experienced contemplatives in multiple traditions, point to a common spiritual, mental, and biological heritage.