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Read ebook G. M. Prasad - Sensing and Monitoring Technologies for Mines and Hazardous Areas : Monitoring and Prediction Technologies in DJV


In this book, the authors present the fundamentals of mining related geotechnical risk and how the latest advances in sensing and data communication can be used both to prevent and to provide early warnings in the case of accidents. Opencast mining operations involve huge quantities of overburden removal, dumping and backfilling in excavated area. Substantial increase in rate of accumulation of waste dumps in recent years resulted in greater height of the dump for minimum ground cover area, and also given rise to the danger of dump failures. Further, steeper open pit slopes are prone to failure. These failures lead to loss of valuable human lives and damage to mining machinery. For that environment, this book presents the most recent advances in Gas Sensors, Methane Detectors and Power cut-off systems. It also introduces monitoring of the Gas Strata and Environment, and brings an overview of the use of Internet of Things and Cloud Computing for mining sensing and surveillance purposes. Targeted at Geotechnical and Mining Engineers, this volume brings the latest findings and technology applied to prevent mining accidents and mitigate the inherent risk of the activity. Presents complete details of a real-time slope stability monitoring system using wireless sensor networking and prediction technique based on multivariate statistical analysis of various parameters and analytical hierarchy process method Discusses innovative ideas and new concept of sensing technologies, mine transport surveillance, digital mining, cloud computing etc. to improve safety and productivity in mining industry Includes slope stability prediction software, downloadable through a companion website, which can be used for monitoring, analyzing and storing through different sensors and providing audio-visual, SMS and email alerts, Sensing and Monitoring Technologies for Mines and Hazardous Areas: Monitoring and Prediction Technologies presents the fundamentals of mining related geotechnical risk and how the latest advances in sensing and data communication can be used both to prevent accidents and provide early warnings. Opencast mining operations involve huge quantities of overburden removal, dumping, and backfilling in excavated areas. Substantial increases in the rate of accumulation of waste dumps in recent years has resulted in greater height of dumps and also has given rise to the danger of dump failures as steeper open pit slopes are prone to failure. These failures lead to loss of valuable human lives and damage to mining machinery. This book presents the most recent advances in gas sensors, methane detectors, and power cut-off systems. It also introduces monitoring of the gas strata and environment, and an overview of the use of Internet of Things and cloud computing for mining sensing and surveillance purposes. Targeted at geotechnical and mining engineers, this volume covers the latest findings and technology to prevent mining accidents and mitigate the inherent risk of the activity. Presents complete details of a real-time slope stability monitoring system using wireless sensor networking and prediction technique based on multivariate statistical analysis of various parameters and analytical hierarchy process methods Discusses innovative ideas and new concepts of sensing technologies, mine transport surveillance, digital mining, and cloud computing to improve safety and productivity in mining industry Includes slope stability prediction software, downloadable through a companion website, which can be used for monitoring, analyzing, and storing different sensors and providing audio-visual, SMS, and email alerts Covers the latest findings and technology to prevent mining accidents and mitigate the inherent risk, The mining industry is recognized as one of the most important industries in the world as it foes a long way towards meeting a country's needs for coal and other minerals and provides employment for a large number of people. Owing to the nature of work this industry is considered to be hazardous. Every year a variety of accidents take a heavy human toll, causing injuries to miners, as well as damage to property. Most of these accidents can be averted if suitable precautions are taken in real time, and are based on the regular and systematic monitoring of the prevailing underground mining environment, geological features, any mining conditions. This book presents the most recent advances in gas sensors, methane detectors, and power cut-off systems of underground mines. It also introduces the system for monitoring underground mine environment and strata conditions and includes an overview of the use of the Internet of Things and Cloud computing for mine-sensing and surveillances purpose. Targeted at geotechnical, mining electronics and Communications engineers, this volume brings the latest findings in technologies applied to preventing mining accidents and to mitigate the inherent risk of mining activities. The authors present the fundamentals of mining-related, geotechnical risk and explain how the latest advances in sensing and data communications can be used to both prevent accident and provide early warnings of impending hazards in opencast and underground mines. This book: Presents complete details of a real-time slope stability-monitoring system using wireless sensor networking and prediction technique based on multivariate statistical analysis of various parameters and analytical hierarchy process method, Discusses innovative ideas and new concepts of sensing technologies, mine transport surveillance, digital mining, and the internet of Things, Cloud computing and son on for improving safety and productivity in mining industry, Includes complete details of different sensing and monitoring systems, along with circuit diagrams and software, so that field engineers, researchers and manufactures working in related fields might develop these technologies for a variety of applications in mines and other hazardous areas Book jacket.

Book Sensing and Monitoring Technologies for Mines and Hazardous Areas : Monitoring and Prediction Technologies FB2, DOC, PDF