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Proven Solutions for Maximizing Energy Efficiency in Today''s Industrial Systems This practical guide features ten self-contained chapters that thoroughly analyze each component in large-scale industrial facilities and lay out best practices for reducing energy consumption and optimizing performance. Designed to help minimize costs and comply with environmental regulations, Energy-Efficient Industrial Systems: Evaluation and Implementation clearly explains the elements of successful energy management programs and offers ready-to-implement strategies and techniques. Real-world case studies throughout illustrate successful projects that have achieved significant energy conservation results. Energy-Efficient Industrial Systems: Evaluation and Implementation covers: 路 Energy Management 路 Motors and Drives 路 Pumping Systems 路 Fan Systems 路 Boilers and Steam Systems 路 Process Cooling Systems 路 Compressed Air Systems 路 Heat Recovery Systems 路 Combined Heat and Power 路 Financial Analysis, Proven strategies and solutions for reducing energy consumption in large-scale industrial systemsThis state-of-the-art productivity resource offers complete coverage of the tools and techniques required to maximize energy efficiency in the full range of industrial systems. You will get step-by-step instruction on optimizing performance in common industrial systems, from motors, drives, pumps, and fans to boilers, cooling, compressed air, and combined heat and power systems and more.Designed to help reduce energy costs and meet environmental standards, "Energy-Efficient Industrial Systems: Evaluation and Implementation" contains fully illustrated, real-world examples of successful projects that have achieved significant, energy-saving results. You will acquire the data, calculations, tools, and tips you need to make the systems across your industrial plants highly energy efficient. Case studies throughout are drawn from the author s broad-based experience Features instruction on evaluating feasibility and estimating savings Includes the steps necessary to complete a financial analysis and calculate ROI for system upgrades"

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